Of The Week



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LTJ Gig 29th May 2004

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.........Of The Week

Quotes Of The Week

This Week's Quotes Are:-

"Well Screeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwww You!..."

"Would You Like Your Muffin With Cream On?..."

"When Life Looks You In The Eye, Smack It In The Face..."


Wierdo Of The Week

This Weeks Wierdo Of The Week Is No Other Than.....The Olsen Twin's EWWWW!!! Check Out The Pic...


Song Of The Week

This Week's Song Of The Week Would Have To Be....

"Dopeman - Less Than Jake"

This song is an old song by LTJ. The lyrics are talking about a guy who wants money so he deals dope (obviously). It's a totally kick ass Ska song, old school baby! Check it out!