My Friends



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LTJ Gig 29th May 2004

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My Friends

The Picture Above

Hehe, the picture above is of a bulldog and a Shitzu that had puppies together and its the first ever Bullshit that was ever made hahaa, i scanned it in from the paper a few months ago, kool huh?


My Friends Hobbies

Well first off theres Joe, Joe likes playing his drums and might i add hes pretty good at them infact hes da best, he also likes to skateboard and he is pretty mint at that too. Secondly theres Rob, i have been friends with Rob for as long as i can remember which means ive been his friend for like forever :P he also likes to play bass and also skateboards and pretty cool at both! Now next up is Sam, he doesn't like skateboarding anymore but likes his guitar more than anything, he is really really brilliant at it, he also love ASH (a band) and HIM (also a band) but they arn't as good as Less Then Jake cause Less Than Jake kickass!!. Last but not least (i think) is Wills, he likes to skateboard and also plays bass he loves his spikey hair and makes the back of his hair in a sort of a fin shape its cool, next off, theres Danny, he's big and ginger, and thats what makes him coooooooooooooool, he skateboards and has recently had his hair cut off hahah you should see him, he looks so funny hehe, erm next is Andy, he doesn't come out anymore although he does sometimes, he's cool and has big spikey hair. Martin, he is the coolest guy you'll ever meet, he's got everything and he can do everything, and he's pretty awesome at skateboarding. Warby, he has his hair the same as sams (i think he should have it all forward) used to skate, (still does every now and then) used to play guitar, been friends with him since high school, very cool person...

What My Friends Do Best

All my friends main thing to do is skateboarding or playing an instrument...thats what they do and thats what they do best, like me hehe

Other Friends

I have some other friends which i havn't mentioned yet which i got told to mention by them they are...-:


Chris (AKA Coller): he's a cool guy, he doesn't skate (he tried it once, didn't work out) he has all the same interests as me which makes him really cool, he's a good guy aswell.

Chloe H: I have known her almost all my life, i always used to jump over her back fence to hang out and her bro taught us how to make flame throwers using a lighter and an aerosol can hehe, twas cool

Jack: He's our drummer for the band, very cool, and seems very calm and intelligent but isn't lol.

Nathan: like to say "what ya doin..." alot, and also plays bass, cool guy basically

Kieran (AKA Kezbro): my little brother, he sings for his band "Non the Wizer", he's also quite good on the drums.


Friends that don't hang around with us are-:

Lewis B: What can i say about him, cool guy, makes me laugh and he's the greatest guy you'll ever hope to meet, even though he smokes...

Milly: We are friends again now (i think :S) hope we are cause i hate arguin, she's cooooool.

Laura-Elle: Pretty much the same as Milly, cooooooool, we fell out for a while but i think we're friends again now, hope so :).

Charli S: Hehe, my bezzie mate! hehe, we don't speak in school cause i don't wanna spoil her Rep cause she'd be speakin to a mosha but i speak to her online and she is sweet hehe, she don't think she looks good but she does she looks hella good! She has a great tan and a great smile, she is perfect!

Chris D (AKA Dewhurst): He's is the kindest person you'll ever meet, he is cool and is really smart (even though he's dislecsic), i have known him for 2 and a half years, we met in geography haha, he's so cool, even though he smokes :(.

Jayms H: Can't say much about him, he's just strange lol, he's cool aswell i guess haha.

Russell W: He's huge lol, but he's cool cause he makes me laugh and is a great guy.

Carly S: I don't even know her but she's good lookin hehe, and she said she was my friend so i put her on here hehe, nice tan aswell.

Lucy O: Don't know her much (anymore), i've known her since primary school though but we took different paths now we don't know each other lol.

Karina M: I was in her form for about 3 years then we merged schools and i don't see her as much now, but she is good lookin and has a great tan and also she is rrreeeeeeeally cool to get along with, and has a great tmsile too.

Nicola B: I don't know whether i am her friend, but she is deffenitly my friend, she's hott, great tan, nice bod-day! and i wrote a song for her, i love her, thats all there is to it hehe.


When my friends all move away, i hope they all stay in touch with me cause if they don't i don't know what i'll do cause i will miss them all, even if you aint on my friends list (cause i missed you off, sorry) i still love you all and you are all great to me, please stay in touch with me, my number and email is-:

Mobile: 07984543079
